Monday, 16 January 2012

 last weekend pamoja fm ministry to my community.glory be to God.many receive this word weekily.i bless the lord for pamoja fm radio.God bless you.

 ministry to the nation and our community.

our ministry is located in this area in kibera.

God is doing great things here on our side and we bless his holy name.

Friday, 13 January 2012


Christian harvest ministries was founded on january 2005 by the Reverend joseph kyalo kioko after he resigned from his former organization.This ministry is in Nairobi Kenya ,located in kibera ayany estate ,of kibera drive.since its launch ,Christian harvest centre has opened other six branches in total being seven branches.Reverend Joseph kioko oversees the ministry together with his wife Jane kioko.Under them is other six ministers of the gospel.Christian harvest center has gone through a of the experiences being the post election violent that rocked our nation  in 2007 December and 2008 causing many of our members to flee .we lost many of our members,their properties and some of our church break through our church and stole church items.but i bless the lord because on January 2008 the church was restarted again by the same pastor.may god bless this ministry and our pastor who has a big heart and passion to serve the people of God.

 our church.we had time to swallow together..

 time to feast the word ,and praise the lord in our church.

 a cross section of our sunday service.